Support Sharon Hewitt’s 2023 campaign
$5,000 is the maximum amount Sharon can accept from any one individual, corporation, business, or other entity for the 2023 election. Married couples can give $10,000 maximum if properly designated.
Donate to the Sharon Hewitt Campaign
Join Sharon in supporting strong leaders across Louisiana!
The maximum an individual may contribute to a Louisiana political committee is $100,000. Married couples may contribute $200,000.
The maximum a corporation may contribute to a Louisiana political committee supporting a candidate for major office is $100,000.
Qualified PACs with over 250 members may contribute $10,000 per election to a major office candidate; The maximum a Qualified PAC with over 250 members may contribute to a Louisiana political committee supporting a candidate for major office is $10,000.
All funds received in response to this solicitation will be subject to state contribution limits and prohibitions. Contributions from individuals substantially interested in the gaming industry in Louisiana, and foreign nationals without “green cards,” are prohibited.
Contributions to HEWITT PAC, or any participating committee, are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. State law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of individual contributors.