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BATON ROUGE, La -- President Biden’s moratorium on offshore leasing and his determination to end onshore exploration and production of fossil fuels is a colossal mistake. Production from the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) has fueled our nation’s energy security and independence.
Louisiana State Senator Sharon Hewitt's Election Voting Systems Bill passed out of committee and moves on to the full Senate floor for debate. This bill will help to establish a more open, fair, and transparent process for selecting a new voting system in Louisiana, considering cyber security issues and new technologies, in addition to the secure and simple advantages of paper ballots.
Louisiana State Senator Sharon Hewitt joins a group of leading policymakers as the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) launches the commission to restore public confidence in elections by making it easier to vote and harder to cheat.
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — A key Louisiana Senate leader Thursday called on Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin to jettison his search for new voting machines and redo the effort after seeking more guidance from lawmakers, election experts and the public.