Sponsored Legislation

Sponsored Legislation


2022 Regular Session

Instrument   Author Current Status Considered
SB50 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 533    
  SCHOOLS:  Provides for public school choice in certain high school programs. (gov sig)
SB73 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 177    
  LOCAL ELECTIONS:  Provides for appointments to fill vacancies in local offices under certain circumstances. (gov sig)
SB74 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 178    
  ELECTION CODE:  Provides relative to the qualification of poll watchers. (gov sig)
SB96 HEWITT Withdrawn from the files of the Senate - prior to introduction    
  FUNDS/FUNDING:  Provides relative to the Community and Family Support System Fund. (8/1/22)
SB98 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 128    
  HEALTH DEPARTMENT:  Provides relative to the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf. (See Act) (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD EX See Note)
SB190 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 541    
  TEACHERS:  Establishes the Computer Science Education Act. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
SB191 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 502    
  TOPS:  Provides relative to high school core curriculum requirements. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
SB193 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 303    
  REDISTRICTING:  Provides for the reapportionment plans of school boards. (gov sig)
SB194 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 83    
  HEALTH CARE:  Provides relative to the membership of the Louisiana Health Works Commission. (8/1/22)
SB195 HEWITT Substitute adopted on the Senate floor. Became SB496    
  NURSES:  Provides relative to safe harbor protections for nurses. (8/1/22)
SB203 HEWITT Vetoed by the Governor    
  FUNDS/FUNDING:  Creates an education savings account for certain students reading below grade level. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
SB224 HEWITT Vetoed by the Governor    
  LEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS:  Provides for remote operations of the legislature during a gubernatorially declared state of emergency. (gov sig)
SB225 HEWITT Subject to call - House final passage    
  LEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS:  Constitutional Amendment to provide for remote operations of the legislature during a declared emergency. (2/3 - CA13s1(A))
SB258 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 286    
  EMERGENCY POWERS:  Provides relative to voting and the holding of elections impaired as the result of a declared emergency or disaster. (8/1/22)
SB259 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 542    
  STATE AGENCIES:  Provides reporting requirements for certain state agencies that administer certain federal and state social service or financial assistance programs. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
SB260 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 242    
  FUNDS/FUNDING:  Provides relative to the Community and Family Support System Fund. (8/1/22) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
SB267 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 543    
  LOBBYING:  Requires disclosure of whether required ethics training has been completed upon registration. (gov sig)
SB288 HEWITT Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs    
  COURTS:  Constitutional Amendment to increase the composition of the Louisiana Supreme Court from six to eight associate justices. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (OR +$250,000 GF EX See Note)
SB292 HEWITT Pending Senate Environmental Quality    
  ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY:  Provides for regulation of greenhouse emissions. (8/1/22)
SB308 HEWITT Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs    
  REDISTRICTING:  Provides for redistricting of the Supreme Court. (2/3 - CA5s4)(see Act)
SB309 HEWITT Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs    
  REDISTRICTING:  Provides for redistricting of the Supreme Court. (2/3 - CA5s4)(See Act)
SB333 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 592    
  STATE AGENCIES:  Provides relative to boards and commissions. (gov sig)
SB388 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 548    
  ABORTION:  Prohibits the sale of certain abortion-inducing drugs without a prescription and provides for criminal penalties. (8/1/22) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
SB488 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 269    
  TAX/AD VALOREM:  Authorizes millage rate increases in certain parishes. (8/1/22) (EN NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
SB493 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 319    
  LOCAL AGENCIES:  Provides relative to certain drainage districts. (8/1/22)
SB496 HEWITT Withdrawn from the files of the Senate    
  HEALTH CARE:  Provides relative to healthcare facility patient safety policies. (8/1/22)
SCR12 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  MINERALS:  Requests halt in actions that cancel or delay offshore oil and natural gas lease sales.
SR4 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  SPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH:  Designates March 23, 2022, as NASA Day at the state capitol.
SR129 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  NURSES:  Requests the Nursing Supply and Demand Council to study and make recommendations to improve statewide nurse retention in response to the nursing workforce shortage.
SR130 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  SPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH:  Recognizes Wednesday, May 18, 2022, as Film Day at the state capitol.
SR147 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  PUBLIC MEETINGS:  Creates the Public Entity Remote Operations Task Force.
SR153 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  COMMENDATIONS:  To commend and congratulate Philanthropic Educational Organization for 100 years of service and to welcome members to the 75th state convention in June 2022.
SR178 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  HEALTH CARE:  Acknowledges the right of parents to decide whether to vaccinate a child for COVID-19 and the role of the state in providing information to allow parents to make an informed decision.
SR201 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT:  Requests the Dept. of Civil Service to consult with and advise the LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans and LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport regarding participation in the state employee leave transfer program.

2022 First Extraordinary Session

Instrument   Author Current Status Considered
SB5 HEWITT Vetoed by the Governor    
  REDISTRICTING:  Provides for redistricting of Louisiana congressional districts. (Item #3)
SB15 HEWITT Subject to call - House final passage    
  COURTS:  Provides for redistricting of the Supreme Court. (2/3 - CA5s4) (Item #6)


2021 Regular Session

Instrument   Author Current Status Considered
SB124 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 224    
  GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION:  Requires the playing or singing of the national anthem prior to certain athletic contests. (8/1/21)
SB173 HEWITT Subject to call - House final passage    
  TAX/TAXATION:  Provides relative to the administration of the Motion Picture Production Tax Credit. (gov sig) (RE SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
SB184 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 49    
  SPECIAL DISTRICTS:  Provides for the appointment of members to the nominating committee for the board of commissioners of St. Tammany Parish Hospital Service District No. 2. (8/1/21)
SB213 HEWITT Pending Senate Finance Considered 5/3/21  
  GAMING:  Provides for a referendum election in St. Tammany Parish relative to riverboat gaming. (gov sig) (EG SEE FISC NOTE RV See Note)
SB221 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 480    
  VOTERS/VOTING:  Provides relative to voting systems. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
SB222 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 438    
  SCHOOLS:  Provides relative to early literacy. (8/1/21) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
SB235 HEWITT Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs Considered 5/5/21  
  POLITICAL PARTIES:  Provides for a closed party primary system for congressional elections. (gov sig) (OR +$5,500,000 GF EX See Note)
SCR34 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  COASTAL RESOURCES:  Requests the Department of Natural Resources, office of coastal management, to review permitting cycle times and to make recommendations to expedite the permitting process.
SCR83 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  LEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS:  Re-establishes the Lower Pearl River Basin task force.
SR27 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  COMMENDATIONS:  Commends the Pope John Paul II High School boys soccer team for winning the Louisiana High School Athletic Association Division IV state championship.
SR28 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Coach Jesse "Jay" Carlin III on his election to the Louisiana High School Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame.
SR90 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  SPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH:  Designates the month of May 2021 as Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month in Louisiana.
SR107 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  TANF:  Requests the legislative auditor to conduct an efficiency audit of the Department of Children and Family Services' administration of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.
SR132 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  TRANSPORTATION/DEV DEPT:  Requests the Department of Transportation and Development to study the privatization of ferry operations throughout the state.
SR133 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  EARLY CHILDHOOD ED:  Requests the state Department of Education to recreate the Louisiana Early Literacy Commission to study and make recommendations relative to improving reading proficiency for certain students.
SR140 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  COMMENDATIONS:  Commends the Teacher of the Year from schools in Senate District 1 on "Teacher of the Year Day" in the Louisiana Senate.


2020 Second Extraordinary Session

Instrument   Author Current Status Considered
SB5 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 29    
  PORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS:  Authorizes Plaquemines Port, Harbor and Terminal District to apply for designation as a foreign trade zone. (gov sig) (Item #47) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
SB7 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 51    
  PORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS:  Provides relative to the Louisiana International Deep Water Gulf Transfer Terminal Authority. (gov sig) (Item #50)
SB10 HEWITT Withdrawn from the files of the Senate    
  ETHICS:  Provides for certain exceptions from Code of Governmental Ethics. (gov sig) (Item #48)
SB17 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 2    
  ENGINEERS:  Provides relative to the Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board. (1/1/21) (Item #32)
SB20 HEWITT Vetoed by the Governor    
  EMERGENCY POWERS:  Provides relative to voting and the holding of elections impaired as the result of a declared emergency or disaster. (1/1/21) (Item #5) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
SB21 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 33    
  CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT:  Provides for revisions to the fee structure and oversight of the in-service training and educational programs for state employees by the Department of State Civil Service. (1/1/21) (Item #52) (EN NO IMPACT OF RV See Note)
SB22 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 9    
  VOTERS/VOTING:  Provides for preparation and counting of absentee and early voting ballots. (gov sig) (Item #5) (EN +$82,800 GF EX See Note)
SB39 HEWITT Vetoed by the Governor    
  LEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS:  Provides for remote operations of the legislature during a gubernatorially declared state of emergency. (gov sig) (Item #25) (EN GF EX See Note)
SB40 HEWITT Failed Senate final passage    
  LEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS:  Constitutional Amendment to provide for remote operations of the legislature during a declared emergency. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (Item #5)
SB49 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 55    
  PORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS:  Provides for the issuance of bonds by the Louisiana International Deep Water Gulf Transfer Terminal Authority. (gov sig) (Item #49) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
SCR4 HEWITT Withdrawn from the files of the Senate    
  COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Eugene Lussen on the celebration of his 100th birthday.
SCR13 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Eugene Lussan on the celebration of his 100th birthday.


2020 First Extraordinary Session

Instrument   Author Current Status Considered
SB9 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 36    
  EVIDENCE:  Provides relative to safety belts. (Item #40) (1/1/21) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
SB17 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 19    
  TAX/TAXATION:  Provides relative to the Angel Investor Tax Credit Program. (Item #19) (8/1/20) (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note)
SB25 HEWITT Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Considered 6/15/20  
  ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT:  Authorizes certain retail businesses to participate in the Enterprise zone incentive program. (Item #18) (7/1/20) (OR DECREASE GF RV See Note)
SB26 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 23    
  ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT:  Provides for an extension of the application deadline for the Quality Jobs Program. (Item #18) (7/1/20) (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
SR50 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Leo Joseph Casanave on the occasion of his retirement from the St. Tammany Parish School System after 53 years of service as a math and science teacher and counselor.


2020 Regular Session

Instrument   Author Current Status Considered
SB12 HEWITT Pending Senate Judiciary A    
  TRAFFIC:  Provides relative to safety belts. (8/1/20)
SB27 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 207    
  SPECIAL DISTRICTS:  Provides relative to board appointments and powers and duties of the Harbor Center District. (gov sig)
SB88 HEWITT Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs Considered 5/6/20  
  ATTORNEYS:  Provides for evaluations of attorney advertisements to be subject to the Public Records Law. (8/1/20)
SB125 HEWITT Pending Senate Commerce, Consumer Protection and International Affairs Sched. for 3/17/20  
  ENGINEERS:  Provides relative to the Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board. (8/1/20)
SB154 HEWITT Pending Senate Transportation, Highways, and Public Works    
  PORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS:  Authorizes Plaquemines Port, Harbor and Terminal District to apply for designation as a foreign trade zone. (8/1/20)
SB166 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 347    
  FISCAL CONTROLS:  Provides for forecasting of the Medicaid program. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
SB193 HEWITT Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs Sched. for 3/18/20  
  ETHICS:  Provides for certain exceptions from Code of Governmental Ethics. (8/1/20)
SB194 HEWITT Pending Senate Judiciary A    
  JUDGES:  Requires judges to file personal financial disclosure forms as a public record. (gov sig)
SB214 HEWITT Pending Senate Transportation, Highways, and Public Works    
  MOTOR VEHICLES:  Provides relative to ignition interlock device requirement for DWI offenders to be issued a restricted driver's license. (8/1/20)
SB234 HEWITT Pending Senate Transportation, Highways, and Public Works    
  PORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS:  Provides for the issuance of bonds by the Louisiana International Gulf Transfer Terminal Authority. (gov sig) (OR NO IMPACT See Note)
SB273 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 117    
  INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY:  Provides for registration with secretary of state by managed service providers servicing public bodies. (See Act) (EN +$48,000 GF EX See Note)
SB275 HEWITT Withdrawn from the files of the Senate    
  COASTAL RESOURCES:  Provides relative to the coastal management program, designees of the secretary, and prohibition of certain contracts. (8/1/20)
SB306 HEWITT Pending Senate Natural Resources    
  WILD REFUGES/PRESERVES:  Provides for certain ecological tours traversing wildlife management areas. (8/1/20)
SB308 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 119    
  FUNDS/FUNDING:  Provides relative to the Dedicated Fund Review Subcommittee of the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget. (7/1/20) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
SB321 HEWITT Pending Senate Transportation, Highways, and Public Works    
  PORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS:  Provides relative to the Louisiana International Deep Water Gulf Transfer Terminal. (8/1/20)
SB353 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 61    
  ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL:  Provides for carbon sequestration. (8/1/20)
SB358 HEWITT Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs    
  CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT:  Provides for revisions to the fee structure and oversight of the in-service training and educational programs for state employees by the Department of State Civil Service. (8/1/20) (OR NO IMPACT See Note)
SB466 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 302    
  PUBLIC MEETINGS:  Provides for holding meetings electronically during certain emergencies or disasters. (gov sig) (RE1 SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
SB485 HEWITT Substitute adopted on the Senate floor. Became SB518    
  LOCAL AGENCIES:  Provides relative to the St. Tammany Parish Hospital Service District No. 2. (8/1/20)
SB491 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 303    
  LIABILITY:  Limits liability of persons who provide relief or recovery equipment or services during a declared state emergency. (gov sig)
SB518 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 365    
  LOCAL AGENCIES:  Provides relative to the St. Tammany Parish Hospital Service District No. 2. (gov sig)
SCR7 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  COASTAL RESOURCES:  To urge and request certain officials and local governments to dismiss coastal lawsuits.
SCR26 HEWITT Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs    
  TAX/FRANCHISE/CORPORATE:  Suspends corporate franchise tax for the 2021 tax year. (OR -$412,600,000 GF RV See Note)
SCR29 HEWITT Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs    
  CONGRESS:  Memorializes Congress to call a convention to amend the constitution to establish term limits for members of the United States House of Representatives and Senate.
SCR32 HEWITT Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs    
  LOCAL AGENCIES:  Suspends legal requirements to ensure the continued operation of local government.
SCR51 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  LEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS:  To extend the termination date for the Lower Pearl River Basin task force until April 1, 2022.
SCR55 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  VOTERS/VOTING:  Establishes the Closed Party Primary Task Force to study the necessary steps to develop a closed party primary election system applicable at the federal, state, and local levels beginning with the 2022 congressional elections.
SCR56 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  FISH/FISHING:  Requests CPRA and the Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries to cooperate in developing projects and programs to enhance the oyster industry.
SCR57 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  ATTORNEYS:  Requests the Louisiana Supreme Court and the Louisiana State Bar Association to implement a lawyer advertisement review recognition program.
SCR61 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  ABORTION:  Recognizes May 2020 as Louisiana Abortion Recovery Awareness Month and commends pro-life groups for their service to women suffering from abortion related trauma.
SR24 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Leadership Northshore and welcomes the 2020 Class.
SR28 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Joseph Michael Srofe Jr on earning the rank of Eagle Scout.
SR39 HEWITT Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs    
  SENATE:  Amends Senate rules to permit members to vote via video or other electronic means during a declared emergency.
SR45 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  SENATE:  Amends Senate rules to permit members to vote via video or other electronic means during a declared emergency.
SR55 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  SENATE:  Directs the executive branch agencies under jurisdictional oversight of the Senate and Governmental Affairs Committee to continue to submit statutorily mandated reports until such time as the mandate is specifically amended or repealed.


2019 Regular Session

Instrument   Author Current Status Considered
SB35 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 182    
  SPECIAL DISTRICTS:  Provides for the change in name of the the Northshore Harbor Center District. (8/1/19)
SB51 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 45    
  HEALTH SERVICES:  Provides relative to the qualifications for certified medication attendants. (8/1/19)
SB148 HEWITT Pending Senate Judiciary A Considered 5/7/19  
  TRAFFIC:  Provides relative to safety belts. (8/1/19)
SB171 HEWITT Vetoed by the Governor    
  STATE AGENCIES:  Provides relative to reports required of boards or commissions authorized to issue a license, permit, or certificate. (6/30/19)
SB181 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 404    
  FUNDS/FUNDING:  Provides relative to the classification, revision, dedication, or repeal of certain funds in the state treasury. (7/1/19) (EN INCREASE SD RV See Note)
SB182 HEWITT Signed by the Governor - Act 413    
  SUITS AGAINST STATE:  Provides for the participation of a sexual harasser in a settlement or judgment in a sexual harassment claim. (See Act) (EN SEE FISC NOTE OF EX See Note)
SCR16 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  HEALTH DEPARTMENT:  Requests the La. Department of Health to add Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) to the state's newborn screening panel.
SCR46 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  SPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH:  Designates Thursday, May 9, 2019, as LFCA Fire Chiefs Day at the state capitol.
SCR96 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  BUDGET PROCEDURE:  Urges and requests the Revenue Estimating Conference to consider including all dedicated funds and fees and self-generated revenues in the projection of money available for appropriation in the long-range forecast.
SCR114 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  LEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS:  Re-establishes the Lower Pearl River Basin task force.
SR92 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  SPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH:  Designates Tuesday, April 30, 2019, as Tourism Day at the state capitol and expresses appreciation and support to the efforts of the Louisiana Office of Tourism.
SR104 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Kid Energy USA on their efforts to educate children on safety and awareness in the petroleum industry.
SR108 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  SPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH:  Designates May 8, 2019, as NASA Day at the state capitol.
SR111 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Leadership Northshore and welcomes the 2019 class to the state capitol.
SR158 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  COMMENDATIONS:  Commends and recognizes the Louisiana teams that participated in the 2019 FIRST Robotics Season.
SR183 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  SPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH:  Recognizes Wednesday, June 5, 2019, as St. Bernard Parish Day at the Louisiana State Capitol.
SR230 HEWITT Sent to the Secretary of State    
  COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Lena R. Torres for her many years of public service.



2018 Regular Session



Current Status




Signed by the Governor - Act 221


HOSPITALS:  Provides relative to the St. Tammany Parish Hospital Service District No. 2. (8/1/18) (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note)



Pending Senate Health and Welfare


MEDICAID:  Provides relative to opportunities to promote work and community engagement among Medicaid recipients. (8/1/18)



Signed by the Governor - Act 233


CREDIT:  Prohibits credit reporting agencies from charging a fee to place, reinstate, temporarily lift, or revoke a security freeze. (gov sig)



Signed by the Governor - Act 357


PUBLIC RECORDS:  Provides relative to documents submitted to the Louisiana State Fire Marshal. (8/1/18) (EN INCREASE SD EX See Note)



Signed by the Governor - Act 651


FISCAL CONTROLS:  Provides relative to the Medicaid Subcommittee of the Health and Social Services Estimating Conference. (gov sig) (EG NO IMPACT See Note)



Signed by the Governor - Act 484


CRIMINAL PROCEDURE:  Provides relative to bail after conviction. (gov sig)



Pending Senate Health and Welfare


HEALTH CARE:  Provides relative to tasks performed by direct service workers. (8/1/18)



Pending Senate Judiciary B

Considered 4/17/18


ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES:  Allows native wineries to sell at wholesale. (8/1/18)



Signed by the Governor - Act 665


FUNDS/FUNDING:  Provides relative to funding for waiver services for individuals with developmental disabilities. (8/1/18) (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD EX See Note)



Pending Senate Judiciary A

Considered 4/17/18


MOTOR VEHICLES:  Provides relative to safety belts. (8/1/18)



Signed by the Governor - Act 612


FUNDS/FUNDING:  Provides for certain funds in the state treasury and the powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities of the Dedicated Fund Review Subcommittee of the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget. (See Act) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)



Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs

Considered 4/18/18


EMPLOYMENT:  Provides relative to sexual harassment prevention policies and training for public servants. (gov sig) (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)



Signed by the Governor - Act 572


STATE AGENCIES:  Provides relative to reports required of the executive branch by statute or resolution. (7/1/18) (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)



Signed by the Governor - Act 675


MOTOR VEHICLES:  Provides for military surplus motor vehicles. (8/1/18)



Sent to the Secretary of State


COASTAL RESOURCES:  Requests the oil and gas industry in Louisiana to support the construction of the Louisiana Geological Survey Coastal Geohazards Atlas by providing access to interpretations from 3-D seismic data.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends the Louisiana Federation of Republican Women and welcomes its members to the state capitol.



Sent to the Secretary of State


SPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH:  Recognizes the Junior Auxiliary of Slidell and designates April 15-21 as Junior Auxiliary Week at the Louisiana Senate.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends and recognizes Alyssa Carson on her many accomplishments.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends LSU Health New Orleans for its dedication to forming, promoting, and sustaining STEM programs.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Anthony Alfred for his service to the St. Tammany Parish School Board and to the community.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Ray Dupuy, posthumously, for his service to the Slidell Police force and community.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Kevin L. Dupuy for his service to the Slidell Police Department and community.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Willie B. Jeter for his years of service to the St. Tammany Parish schools and community.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Charlie "Coach" Bowman for his service with St. Tammany Parish School Board and to the community.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Dennis S. Cousin for his service to the St. Tammany Parish School Board and the community.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Charlie "Coach" Bowman for his service with St. Tammany Parish School Board and to the community.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends and recognizes registered nurses as a valuable resource and celebrates their accomplishments.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends and recognizes Alyssa Carson on her many accomplishments.



Sent to the Secretary of State


SPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH:  Designates Thursday, May 3, 2018, as "NASA Day" at the state capitol and commends NASA and the Michoud Assembly Facility on their significant accomplishments which have positively impacted the United States and this state.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Recognizes and commends the Louisiana teams that participated in the 2018 FIRST Robotics World Championship in Houston, Texas.


2017 Regular Session



Current Status




Signed by the Governor - Act 42


LEVEES:  Repeals provision that prohibits a commissioner of the St. Tammany Levee, Drainage and Conservation District, whose term is expired, from continuing to serve or vote. (gov sig)



Pending Senate Education


TOPS:  Provides relative to TOPS award amounts. (gov sig)



Signed by the Governor - Act 387


FISCAL CONTROLS:  Provides for establishment of a pilot evidence-based budget proposal process for mental health programs administered by the Louisiana Department of Health. (7/1/17) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)



Pending Senate Health and Welfare

Considered 5/3/17


MEDICAID:  Provides relative to Medicaid recipient work requirements. (8/1/17) (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)



Signed by the Governor - Act 392


CURRICULA:  Creates the Louisiana Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Advisory Council (LaSTEM). (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)



Pending Senate Finance

Considered 5/15/17


FUNDS/FUNDING:  Eliminates certain statutory dedications and eliminates certain dedications of certain funds. (7/1/17) (OR +$839,887,403 GF RV See Note)



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends the Slidell Republican Women's Club on its 50th anniversary.



Sent to the Secretary of State


LEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS:  Commends the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council and its grassroots advocacy network, LaCAN, and designates April 26, 2017, as Disability Rights Day in Louisiana.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Randy K. Haynie on receipt of the Outstanding Eagle Scout Award.



Sent to the Secretary of State


LEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS:  Designates the first week of December as Shop Local Artists Week in Louisiana.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Leo Casanave for over fifty years of service to the St. Tammany Parish School System as a math and science teacher and counselor.



Sent to the Secretary of State


SENATE:  Recognizes the Junior Auxiliary of Slidell and designates April 2-8, 2017, as "Junior Auxiliary Week" at the Louisiana Senate.



Sent to the Secretary of State


SENATE:  Designates Thursday, May 4, 2017, as "NASA Day" at the state capitol and extols the accomplishments of NASA and the technical and scientific contributions made to the state and nation.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Recognizes the Louisiana teams that participated in the 2017 FIRST Championship.



Sent to the Secretary of State


HEALTH/HOSPITALS DEPT:  Requests the Louisiana Department of Health to provide certain data on able-bodied Medicaid recipients.



Sent to the Secretary of State


FUNDS/FUNDING:  Requests the Senate Fiscal Affairs staff to report annually information relative to state funds distributed to local government entities.



Sent to the Secretary of State


FUNDS/FUNDING:  Requests the Senate Fiscal Affairs staff to report annually information relative to certain statutory dedications.



Sent to the Secretary of State


LEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS:  Creates the Lower Pearl River Basin task force to study the conditions, needs, issues, and funding relative to flood protection and preservation of the Lower Pearl River Basin, and to recommend any action or legislation that the task force deems necessary or appropriate.


2016 Regular Session



Current Status




Withdrawn from the files of the Senate - prior to introduction


TAX/SALES:  Constitutional amendment to provide for centralized collection of local sales and use taxes. (2/3-CA13s1(A))



Signed by the Governor - Act 616


MILITARY AFFAIRS:  Provides for application by certain military personnel to be certified as a licensed professional engineer in Louisiana. (8/1/16)



Pending Senate Health and Welfare

Considered 3/22/16


COMMERCIAL REGULATIONS:  Prohibits the sale of infant formula or baby food that is stored in plastic containers, jars, or cans that contain bisphenol-A. (8/1/16)



Signed by the Governor - Act 586


FISCAL CONTROLS:  Provides for mandatory meetings of the Health and Social Services Estimating Conference for purposes of developing budget recommendations for the Medicaid program. (8/1/16) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)



Pending Senate Transportation, Highways, and Public Works

Considered 4/14/16


MOTOR VEHICLES:  Provides relative to driver education. (8/1/16)



Signed by the Governor - Act 619


POSTSECONDARY ED:  Requires the Board of Regents to conduct a comprehensive review of the postsecondary needs of the state and each of its regions. (See Act) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)



Signed by the Governor - Act 537


HOSPITALS:  Provides a procedure for the LSU Board of Supervisors and the commissioner of administration to seek approval from the JLCB and the legislature to proceed with the sale of a hospital. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)



Sent to the Secretary of State


LEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS:  Requests the division of administration to provide a report of all of the reports required of the executive branch by statute or resolution.



Sent to the Secretary of State


LEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS:  Designates Thursday, May 5, 2016, as "NASA Day" at the state capitol and commends NASA and the Michoud Assembly Facility on the significant technical and scientific accomplishments made by them which have positively impacted the United States and the state of Louisiana.



Sent to the Secretary of State


SENATE:  In recognition of 50 years of service, designates the week of April 3 through April 9, 2016, as "Junior Auxiliary Week" at the Louisiana Senate.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Margaret Narcisse Laurant upon the occasion of her ninetieth birthday.



Sent to the Secretary of State


COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Shirley Wilkins for community service in providing college scholarships for area students and promoting awareness of the effects of drinking and driving.



Sent to the Secretary of State


FEDERAL PROGRAMS:  Requests the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to maintain region-wide leasing in the Gulf of Mexico in the 2017-2022 Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program without any further exclusions or restrictions.



Sent to the Secretary of State


WATER/WATERWAYS:  Re-creates the Lower Pearl River Basin Ecosystem Study Commission.


Senator Sharon Hewitt